PPJ system

The PPJ system is a communication system and environment for networking.

The PPJ technology is based on providing all Participants with unified interfaces for direct management of their communication means, which are received by the Participant of the PPJ System under the conditions outlined here and which are stored or owned by specialized structures.

The identification number and indicator of influence in the PPJ System is the identification mark of the PPJ System of the corresponding type a-BRIL.

a-BRIL is an electronic digital identifier of the User for participation in online conferences, court hearings, webinars, etc., access to which is granted upon presentation of the identifier. There are subscriptions, each of which gives different levels of access to different online activities.

Members of the PPJ System have the opportunity to open accounts only in the PPJ System.

To interact with PPJ System participants, each PPJ System Participant provides personal data to a-BRIL.

The PPJ System provides services that allow you to keep track of a-BRILs, build connections with them, conclude secure agreements, conduct video conferences, etc. All so-called transactions in the BRIL System are instantaneous and irreversible.

On the basis of communications with other Participants of the PPJ System for the exchange of information, a public parameter of the PPJ Team is calculated for each Participant of the PPJ System.

The PPJ system is constantly being modernized and improved. Changes to the description of the System are not announced and are not agreed with the Participants. The Participant works with the System on an "as is" basis.